PONSEL HARUS SUDAH MEMPUNYAI FIRMWARE YANG TERBARU untuk bisa mengaplikasikan label modding UIQ 3 di blog ini Hpnya harus sudah terinstal aplikasi untuk Dasar dasar modding Dasar modding ini adalah membuka proteksi folder yang ada di Drive C,D ataupun Z, sehingga yang dulunya folder2 itu tersembunyi dan tidak dapt di copy sekarang dapat di copy dan di edit. di sini nanti menjadi dasar dari seluruh modding yang bisa di lakukan. apa saja yang di butuhkan untuk dapat membuka proteksi folder system? di bawah ini adalah applikasi yang mutlak di butuhkan untuk modding 1.capsswitch 2.aplikasi file manager (X-plore atau Swiss Manager) 3.installserver.activator-signed bagaimana menjalankan untuk pertama kali..? 1.Instal capsswitch di ponsel 2.instal X-plore di ponsel 3.instal Instalserver activator di ponsel, lalu lewat aplikasi ini instal file instalserver.exe ( sebelum instal Instalserver activator buka dulu capsswitch lalu switch ke "OFF") bagaimana melakukan modding? setelah ketiga aplikasi tersebut di instal. - bka capsswitch lalu switch ke "OFF" ( ini berfungsi mematikan proteksi folder) -kemudain lakukan modding (copy paste file moddingan) menggunakan aplikasi X-plore atau lainnya, jangan lupa tampilkan seluruh drive, C,D, ataupun Z untuk memudahkan modding PERHATIAN: RESIKO DI TANGGUNG SENDIRI,Apabila anda melakukan modding sesuai instruksi tidak akan terjadi matot, di karenakan file modding sebelum di publikasikan sudah di test terlebih dahulu- GOOD LUCK BAGAIMANA MENGINSTAL APLIKASI JIKA ADA PESAN "SECURITY CHECK FAILED, CANT INSTALL" atau sejenisnya . setelah ada pesan seperti itu tap pada menu detail, kemudian lihat tanggal dan tahun expired aplikasi tersebut, kemudian ubah setingan date and time ponsel anda di antara tahun expired tersebut. kemudian silahkan instal :). setelah sukses ubah kembali date & time ke waktu sekarang.
ponsel terasa berat akibat modding yang tumpang tindih? terlalu banyak temporaryfiles? ingin kembali ke default setting pabrik? caranya pun sangat simpel ,yaitu dengan cara format internal disk(bukan hard reset) begini caranya: 1. masuk ke service menu - bagi yang sudah modding popup menu bisa di lihat di Utilites-servicemenu-format internaldisk 2.bagi yang belum modding popup menu bisa masuk ke service menu dengan cara: - scroll jog dial 1 step ke atas, tekan bintang 1x, lalu -scroll jog dial 2 step ke bawah, tekan bintang 1x,lalu - scroll jog dial 1 step ke bawah, tekan bintang 1x. 3.kemudian tap di format internal disk , tunggu beberapa saat , ponsel akan booting kembali ke default pabrik. 3. kemudian format external slot memori ( backup dulu file2penting anda), bagi w950/w960 bila tidak bisa di format lewat ponsel, bisa pake pc tidak usah di format, tinggal hapus semua folder,setelah itu baru format lwat ponsel. hmm..serasa punya ponsel baru. hehe..


by FrEaK sUNi | Jumat, Juli 04, 2008 in |

AProtect your private photos, voice and sound files, videos, confidential documents - just any kind of files on your smartphone!

Every smartphone user stores sensitive data on his device. It could be private photos, confidential voice notes, business documents, etc. You don't want an unauthorized person to get access to your confidential or private data, do you? Protect your confidential and private data with Best Crypto now!

Best Crypto application is designed for electronic data protection. It provides you with a user-friendly graphical interface for encrypting and decrypting your sensitive data. Behind easy to use interface, its powerful cryptography engine is using industry standard secure crypto algorithms (RC6 (ECB-Mode) ciphering with 256-bits keys and MD5 algorithm) to give you absolute, almost unbreakable security.

Best Crypto user guide

Safe list

Add files you encrypt and decrypt very often to "Safe list". It's quite a handy option if you do not want to look for these files every time you need to encrypt/decrypt them.
"Safe list" detects the selected file state automatically and allows you to perform the needed action fast.
Current file is encrypted. Select "Decrypt" command and enter correct password to decrypt.
State of the current file is undefined or the file was moved/deleted from its original location. Select "File information" command to see the problem description.

All other files marked with icons describing their types are not encrypted and can be viewed by any file viewer/editor associated with this file type. You can view/start these files from Best Crypto as well - just double click on the item or select "Start file" command.

To protect these files use "Encrypt" command and specify a password you want to encrypt them with.

If you want you can mark several files and encrypt/decrypt them all at once. Also you can create some folders in your Best Crypto safe list in order to "categorise" files there.

Session options

For every file you encrypt you may assign different password. But we understand that in some situation users would like to use the same password to encrypt/decrypt several files. If so, select "Use session password" option in "Misc\Settings" menu. While the application is running it'll be typing last entered password automatically when you encrypt or decrypt files. So if you use the same password for all files you need to type it only once. After you close the application this password is reset and you will need to enter it again when you start the application.

Behind the screen

* Reliable encryption of any kind of data by using the international industry standard system RC6 (ECB-Mode) and MD5 algorithms
* High speed encryption and decryption process
* Passwords are not stored on the device to increase the safety further. Password verification is performed by checking digital signs.

Please note: your password is not stored anywhere inside the application, encrypted files or in some place on your device in order to increase the safety. Password verification is performed by checking digital signs (digital signs say nothing about your password or encrypted data nature). It means that no person (including the application developers) can open and see your data without specifying correct password.

Please don't forget your password as there's no way to access your data without it!


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