PONSEL HARUS SUDAH MEMPUNYAI FIRMWARE YANG TERBARU untuk bisa mengaplikasikan label modding UIQ 3 di blog ini Hpnya harus sudah terinstal aplikasi untuk Dasar dasar modding Dasar modding ini adalah membuka proteksi folder yang ada di Drive C,D ataupun Z, sehingga yang dulunya folder2 itu tersembunyi dan tidak dapt di copy sekarang dapat di copy dan di edit. di sini nanti menjadi dasar dari seluruh modding yang bisa di lakukan. apa saja yang di butuhkan untuk dapat membuka proteksi folder system? di bawah ini adalah applikasi yang mutlak di butuhkan untuk modding 1.capsswitch 2.aplikasi file manager (X-plore atau Swiss Manager) 3.installserver.activator-signed bagaimana menjalankan untuk pertama kali..? 1.Instal capsswitch di ponsel 2.instal X-plore di ponsel 3.instal Instalserver activator di ponsel, lalu lewat aplikasi ini instal file instalserver.exe ( sebelum instal Instalserver activator buka dulu capsswitch lalu switch ke "OFF") bagaimana melakukan modding? setelah ketiga aplikasi tersebut di instal. - bka capsswitch lalu switch ke "OFF" ( ini berfungsi mematikan proteksi folder) -kemudain lakukan modding (copy paste file moddingan) menggunakan aplikasi X-plore atau lainnya, jangan lupa tampilkan seluruh drive, C,D, ataupun Z untuk memudahkan modding PERHATIAN: RESIKO DI TANGGUNG SENDIRI,Apabila anda melakukan modding sesuai instruksi tidak akan terjadi matot, di karenakan file modding sebelum di publikasikan sudah di test terlebih dahulu- GOOD LUCK BAGAIMANA MENGINSTAL APLIKASI JIKA ADA PESAN "SECURITY CHECK FAILED, CANT INSTALL" atau sejenisnya . setelah ada pesan seperti itu tap pada menu detail, kemudian lihat tanggal dan tahun expired aplikasi tersebut, kemudian ubah setingan date and time ponsel anda di antara tahun expired tersebut. kemudian silahkan instal :). setelah sukses ubah kembali date & time ke waktu sekarang.
ponsel terasa berat akibat modding yang tumpang tindih? terlalu banyak temporaryfiles? ingin kembali ke default setting pabrik? caranya pun sangat simpel ,yaitu dengan cara format internal disk(bukan hard reset) begini caranya: 1. masuk ke service menu - bagi yang sudah modding popup menu bisa di lihat di Utilites-servicemenu-format internaldisk 2.bagi yang belum modding popup menu bisa masuk ke service menu dengan cara: - scroll jog dial 1 step ke atas, tekan bintang 1x, lalu -scroll jog dial 2 step ke bawah, tekan bintang 1x,lalu - scroll jog dial 1 step ke bawah, tekan bintang 1x. 3.kemudian tap di format internal disk , tunggu beberapa saat , ponsel akan booting kembali ke default pabrik. 3. kemudian format external slot memori ( backup dulu file2penting anda), bagi w950/w960 bila tidak bisa di format lewat ponsel, bisa pake pc tidak usah di format, tinggal hapus semua folder,setelah itu baru format lwat ponsel. hmm..serasa punya ponsel baru. hehe..

Arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre Platinum

by FrEaK sUNi | Minggu, Januari 10, 2010 in |

rcsoft TotalMedia Theatre Platinum | 70Mb

TotalMedia Theatre 3 Platinum - the ultimate high-definition movie experience!
TotalMedia Theatre 3 Platinum - Enhance your movie watching experience with tons of cool features and options that you just can't get from a standard DVD player. With a brand new stylish UI, easy-to-use features, and industry-leading playback technology to please even the most seasoned users, ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 delivers the ultimate movie-watching experience on your PC!
For HD DVD and Blu-ray, TotalMedia Theatre fully supports the entire specifications and can play back:
• Blu-ray movies (BDMV, BD Live), including all Hollywood movie discs, with full support for Java games and Internet interactivity
• HD DVD movies, including full support for user interaction and Internet interactivity through HDi
• Personal recorded BD-R/RE discs (BDAV)

• Universal Player, Including Blu-ray Discs
In addition to playing commercial and homemade DVD movies, TotalMedia Theatre also plays Blu-ray discs formats — high Definition MPEG-2, AVC, and VC1, AVCHDs, CDs, VCDs, as well as all kinds of other high-definition (HD) content: WMV HD, Quicktime HD, DivX HD, and H.264 HD. Support includes both 1280x720 (720p) and 1920x1080 (1080p).

• Enhanced Blu-ray interactive features
TotalMedia Theatre provides industry-leading full Blu-ray interactive feature supports, including Blu-ray Disc Profile 1.0, BonusView and BD-Live. Also supports Disc library management and downloaded BUDA content management.

• High Quality
TotalMedia Theatre 3 receives excellent scores on the Hollywood Quality Video Processing test by supporting SD and HD effects such as Noise Reduction, Video Test, and Film Test with mainstream graphic cards.

• Bring Everything to High-Definition with SimHD™ Plug-in
SimHD plug-in for TotalMedia theatre upscales standard-definition multimedia files and DVD movies to near high-definition quality, offering you sharper and more vivid picture in real time. When upscaling files in ArcSoft TotalMedia™ Theatre, SimHD™ utilizes NVIDIA® CUDA™, its GPU computing technology, which not only offers large performance benefits but also save CPU power for other usages*. This plug-in is compatible with both TotalMedia Theatre 2 and 3. Click here for more details.

• Excellent Performance and Compatibility with Advanced Graphic Processors
TotalMedia Theatre 3 offers excellent hardware compatibility, working smoothly with high-definition graphics processors from Intel, NVIDIA, and ATI. It is also compatible with commercial discs, bringing users exceptional playback of high-definition content on the PC. With above average scores on the HQV test, users are guaranteed smooth and colorful playback quality.

• Superior Audio Decoding
TotalMedia Theatre 3 provides advanced audio decoding with the ArcSoft Virtual Speaker which includes a speech booster, virtual surround module, and a fully customizable Smart Bass amplifier to turn an otherwise bland stereo or headphone sound source into an intense aural generator.

• Next-Generation Home Theatre
TotalMedia Theatre 3 fully supports the next-generation audio formats used in Blu-ray discs: LPCM, AC-3, DD , and MLP. It also supports Dolby Surround, Digital 5.1 (AC-3), and DTS Surround Sensation virtual speaker. Once your favorite soundtracks are playing, fine-tune your audio experience with our broad 10-band equalizer. Pick from a variety of presets, or customize the sound to your personal taste.

• Support HDMI 1.3 Pass-through Technology for Lossless 7.1 Channel Audio Output
With DTS-HD Premium Audio Output via HDMI 1.3, TotalMedia Theatre 3 provides full high-definition audio digital output, enabling lossless audio such as DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD, and Dolby Digital Plus, to be transferred to the AV receivers for high-fidelity sounds - up to 192 kHz sampling frequency and 24-bit audio resolution, offering exceptional audio experience.

• Enjoy Surround Sound with Two-Channel Speakers
TotalMedia Theatre 3 supports DTS Surround Sensation which virtualizes surround sound onto 2 channel headphone/stereo speaker, DTS 5.1, 6.1, or 7.1 -channel soundtracks.

• Direct Playback Files or Various High-Definition formats (AVCHD, BD) from HD Camcorders
Provides features for optimal high-definition playback directly from plug-in camcorders, no need to transfer files to hard drive. The program provides auto detection of digital camcorder formats such as Canon, Panasonic, Sony Handycam®, and JVC, also supports most recorded formats such as MPEG-2, AVCHD, DVD-VIDEO, DVD-VR, Divx AVI, SD-Video. Note: HDV, DVC, and Mini DV supports are optional.

• All New and Intuitive User Interface
TotalMedia Theatre 3's sleek new look features a modern black UI design, intuitive control for easy navigation, and Information Center (the E button) to keep you informed with new patches, upgrades and promotions.

• Popular Internet High-Definition Video Support – MKV
TotalMedia Theatre 3 supports the Matroska Multimedia Container (MKV), the high-definition online video format. Also supported is Flash (FLV) with H.264 video and HE-AAC audio for playing contents fromGoogle Video, and more.

• Windows Media Center Edition Plug-in
The program comes with a Windows Media Center Edition plug-in built right in! The plug-in provides a "10 foot" user experience: big buttons and compatibility with your remote control mean you can use TotalMedia Theatre to watch your Blu-ray movies from the comfort of your couch.

• Supported File Formats:
* Video: MPEG-1 (.M1V), MPEG-2 (.M2V, .TS, .TRP, .TP and etc.), MPEG-2 HD (.M2TS, .M2T, .MTS), MPEG-4 (.MP4, .DIV, .DIVX), WMV, WMV HD, DVR-MS, H.264 (.264, .26L, .H264, .AVC, .JSV, .JVT and etc.) , VC1, DV AVI, Real (.RM*, .RMVB, .RAM, .RV, .RA), QuickTime (.MOV, .QT), FLV, MKV, DivX AVI*, DivX HD, VOB, ASF, DAT, VRO,3GP, 3G2
1. RM (RealMedia with RealNetworks codec installed)
2. Divx AVI (with DivX codec installed)
* Audio: MP2, MP3, WAV, Ogg, AAC, WMA, MP3 CDs and audio CDs
* Digital Camcorder: Digital camcorder device, auto detection, and playback, from Canon, Sony, Panasonic, and JVC.
* Decoding: LPCM, Dolby Digital, Dolby®, TrueHD, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS Digital, DTS 96/24, DTS-ES, and DTS-HD Hi-Resolution, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS Neo 6.

SimHD Plug-in for TotalMedia Theatre - simply brings everything to high-definition!
SimHD™ is ArcSoft’s upscaling technology, turning standard-definition multimedia files and DVDs to near high-definition ones, offering you sharper and more vivid picture in real time. SimHD is provided as a plug-in for TotalMedia Theatre, compatible with both version 2 and 3. When upscaling files in ArcSoft TotalMedia™ Theatre, SimHD™ utilizes NVIDIA® CUDA™, its GPGPU technology, which not only offers large performance benefits but also save CPU power for other usages*. Note that SimHD now only supports CUDA compatible graphics cards. Other support to come soon.

SimHD™ is compatible with and requires previous installation of TotalMedia Theatre ( and above) and TotalMedia Theatre 3. To find out your TotalMedia Theatre version information, launch the application, right-click on the screen and select "About".
SimHD Output Resolution:
(Adaptive — Fits to your screen size)
* 1280x720
* 1440x960
* 1920x1080

• Proven Excellence in Performace
ArcSoft's superior upscaling algorithm from SimHD advances your DVD watching experience; the performance outruns other solutions available in the market.

• Reduces CPU Power Dramatically
NVIDIA's multi-thread, parallel GPGPU calculation, efficiently reduces CPU usage, while providing more vivid graphic.

Name: Yours


1 komentar:

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