Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 is already the fastest, easiest and most intuitive CD, DVD and Blu-ray design and burning package available. Ashampoo CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application makes it really easy to create & copy your own data, video, audio and multisession CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs.. Many current CD/DVD burning programs are universal "everything including the kitchen sink" applications that are overloaded with countless confusing functions.
With Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 you can save your music and data files to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs with just a couple of mouse clicks! Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 supports all current DVD and CD writers. The program supports following disc types: CD-R, RD-RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD R/RW, DVD-RAM, DVD R Double Layer and Blu-ray.
* NEW: Label discs directly with LightScribe burners
* New Movie Editor and Movie Player
* Play all videos, slideshows and movies in the new Movie Player
* New project type: Video Edit DVD with Movie Editor
* Create MP3 or WMA CDs from lists of tracks with multiple formats
* Preview images are now automatically exported to Cover Editor
* New options dialogs for video, audio, decoder, encoder and drive settings
* Selectable program skins for user interface
* Many user settings are saved and reloaded automatically
* Many new burners added to the database
* DVD projects are now saved with all slideshows and movies
* Automatic check for conflicts with other programs with user warning
Movie Editor
The biggest new feature of Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 is the Movie Editor, which adds powerful video editing and DVD interface building capabilities to the program. You won't need any other video editing software. Movie Editor has all the features you need to turn your clip collection and home videos into impressive finished movies.
* Edit videos with timeline and preview
* Super-easy drag-and-drop editing for videos, subtitles etc.
* Graphical timeline for clips, transitions, titles, subtitles and images
* Burn finished movies to DVD with animated menus
* Ready-to-use themes for DVD menus
* Cut clips into separate blocks, trim and extract sections
* Assemble multiple clips in a few easy steps
* Add titles, subtitles, shaped text etc.
* Add images, logos and graphical shapes with fill, borders etc.
* Cross-fades and graphical transitions between clips
* Fade-in and fade-out for all objects (images, texts etc.)
* Live preview your movies in the editor with transitions
* Add background music to movies
* Rotate images directly in the Movie Editor
* Set start and end times for clips (play only part of clip)
* Automatic search for scene boundaries
Movie Player
* Modern graphical interface, very intuitive with popup control tips
* Volume control, display current play position and total time
* Clip display with jump to position controls
* Full screen mode with quick switch control
Slideshow Editor
The Slideshow Editor makes it a snap to turn your photos into impressive DVD slideshows with animated graphical menus. You can also include video clips in your slideshows. Just select your photos, videos and background music tracks and burn.
* Timeline editing with drag & drop and preview
* Cross-fades and graphical transitions between images
* Thumbnail preview for fades and transitions
* Add background music for the entire show with multiple tracks
* Add titles, subtitles, shaped text
* Add images, logos and graphical shapes with fill, borders etc.
* Fade-in and fade-out for all objects (images, texts etc.)
* Rotate images directly in the editor
* Ready-to-use themes
Cover Editor
The Cover Editor has everything you need for labeling your discs and producing cool covers for jewel cases, slim cases, DVD cases and Blu-ray cases. You can design your own or just enter a title and select one of the pre-designed themes for instant point-and-click results - it also imports track data from your discs automatically. The Cover Editor prints both on a wide range of predefined label formats and directly onto discs on printers that support this function.
* Save your own designs as themes and reuse or share them
* Export projects as XML files
* Scan covers directly from original CD covers
* Load covers and graphics from files, the Web or the Windows Clipboard
* Attractive new themes with new graphics and layouts
* Editor improvements, faster operation
* Draw and insert geometrical shapes with borders, fill and transparency
* Group elements in the editor to move them together
* Free rotation for objects and groups of objects, or snap rotate in 15?, 45? or 90? increments
* Print up to 4 CDs on a single page
* Printer calibration utility for maximum precision printing, calibration settings are saved for every printer used - you only need to calibrate once
* Updated label and printer database with many new formats and printers
* Undo function in the Table Editor
* Compatible with: XP / Vista / Win7
* Multilingual: English, Spanish, German, Portugu?s, French, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
PONSEL HARUS SUDAH MEMPUNYAI FIRMWARE YANG TERBARU untuk bisa mengaplikasikan label modding UIQ 3 di blog ini Hpnya harus sudah terinstal aplikasi untuk Dasar dasar modding Dasar modding ini adalah membuka proteksi folder yang ada di Drive C,D ataupun Z, sehingga yang dulunya folder2 itu tersembunyi dan tidak dapt di copy sekarang dapat di copy dan di edit. di sini nanti menjadi dasar dari seluruh modding yang bisa di lakukan. apa saja yang di butuhkan untuk dapat membuka proteksi folder system? di bawah ini adalah applikasi yang mutlak di butuhkan untuk modding 1.capsswitch 2.aplikasi file manager (X-plore atau Swiss Manager) 3.installserver.activator-signed bagaimana menjalankan untuk pertama kali..? 1.Instal capsswitch di ponsel 2.instal X-plore di ponsel 3.instal Instalserver activator di ponsel, lalu lewat aplikasi ini instal file instalserver.exe ( sebelum instal Instalserver activator buka dulu capsswitch lalu switch ke "OFF") bagaimana melakukan modding? setelah ketiga aplikasi tersebut di instal. - bka capsswitch lalu switch ke "OFF" ( ini berfungsi mematikan proteksi folder) -kemudain lakukan modding (copy paste file moddingan) menggunakan aplikasi X-plore atau lainnya, jangan lupa tampilkan seluruh drive, C,D, ataupun Z untuk memudahkan modding PERHATIAN: RESIKO DI TANGGUNG SENDIRI,Apabila anda melakukan modding sesuai instruksi tidak akan terjadi matot, di karenakan file modding sebelum di publikasikan sudah di test terlebih dahulu- GOOD LUCK BAGAIMANA MENGINSTAL APLIKASI JIKA ADA PESAN "SECURITY CHECK FAILED, CANT INSTALL" atau sejenisnya . setelah ada pesan seperti itu tap pada menu detail, kemudian lihat tanggal dan tahun expired aplikasi tersebut, kemudian ubah setingan date and time ponsel anda di antara tahun expired tersebut. kemudian silahkan instal :). setelah sukses ubah kembali date & time ke waktu sekarang. |
ponsel terasa berat akibat modding yang tumpang tindih? terlalu banyak temporaryfiles? ingin kembali ke default setting pabrik? caranya pun sangat simpel ,yaitu dengan cara format internal disk(bukan hard reset) begini caranya: 1. masuk ke service menu - bagi yang sudah modding popup menu bisa di lihat di Utilites-servicemenu-format internaldisk 2.bagi yang belum modding popup menu bisa masuk ke service menu dengan cara: - scroll jog dial 1 step ke atas, tekan bintang 1x, lalu -scroll jog dial 2 step ke bawah, tekan bintang 1x,lalu - scroll jog dial 1 step ke bawah, tekan bintang 1x. 3.kemudian tap di format internal disk , tunggu beberapa saat , ponsel akan booting kembali ke default pabrik. 3. kemudian format external slot memori ( backup dulu file2penting anda), bagi w950/w960 bila tidak bisa di format lewat ponsel, bisa pake pc tidak usah di format, tinggal hapus semua folder,setelah itu baru format lwat ponsel. hmm..serasa punya ponsel baru. hehe.. |
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 v9.21 +keygen
by FrEaK sUNi | Kamis, Februari 25, 2010 in Windows Softwares |
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